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Fuck Colonialism

Fuck Corporate Greed


Before you go any further…

LegendMaker Global, LLC, that’s me…I’m a one-woman show, is here to support those who are here to make a fucking difference.

Through copywriting courses, consulting, & coaching, I help coaches, creatives, and business owners write the NEW fucking legends of this world.

I offer done-for-you, done-with-you, and do-it-yourself ways to help you
get your message out into the world.

And you won’t find anything but 100% heart here. No fucking AI thievery from people who’ve already done the work. And…you won’t find bro-marketing bullshit. I don’t write predatory copy that preys on people’s fears and pains. I don’t create false scarcity or work with people who use fake testimonials.

I strive to move forward with conscience and as little harm as possible.

That said, one of the ways I am trying to incorporate decolonization into my small business is by testing sliding-scale pricing for almost everything to try to bring economic justice to what I do, utilizing Alexis J Cunningfolk’s Green Bottle method to make pricing options available.

Decolonization will continue as I learn and grow in this foreign arena.


LegendMaker Global Values

Pro-Human. Pro-Planet. Pro-Community.

If you support fascism, oppression, authoritarianism, etc…I’m not the writer for you. If you don’t support bodily autonomy, I’m not the writer for you. If you don’t believe that all humans have the right to self-determination, I’m not the writer for you.

LegendMaker Global supports causes that matter and favors Direct Action over making performative donations to bureaucratic organizations that take out portions of the money to the people/causes who need it.

We also make monthly donations, support boycott efforts as much as possible (even beyond BDS standards), and strive to be a space where people can learn more about the conflicts impacting humans around the world, as well as learn about the climate crisis and how soil and ocean health impact it.

I believe in Resistance. And know we can do better as a human race, for each other, Mother Nature, and the planet.

So. Yeah. If you’re down, it’s great to meet you!

Now That the Ranting Is Out Of the Way…Let’s talk business


Assess The Profitability Of your Emails, ETC.

Assess the profitability of your copy and you’ll have a clue as to why your sales are lower than you want them to be…and how you can fix that!

While copy isn’t the end-all, be-all to selling your offers, it is what any marketer will tell you…a KEY player.

But so many coaches and creatives don’t know what makes copy profitable or not profitable. So they keep making the same mistakes over and over again.

In this 20-minute training and accompanying PDF, you’ll learn what attractive headlines are, why they’re crucial, why some stories fall short, what stories that sell sound like, and more.

Learn to read your emails, sales pages, and social posts the way your dream clients read them. Not just how you believe they sound.

Will this fix your growth and sales problem? It won’t hurt it.

But, there are a lot of cogs in the machine of a business, and the more in tune they are to each other (offer, trust, audience, etc), the closer you get to hitting your sales goals.

But for $7, you can test the waters and see!

Grab the WDYM PDF & Training (I named it something so long I don’t even want to write out the name 🤣) so you can assess your own copy and make any necessary changes to improve its performance!

Includes a 19-page PDF that breaks down 12 questions you want to consider when reading your copy from your ideal client’s perspective, as well as a 20-minute masterclass training to help you make changes and improve your copy.



This is where you expect to read all my accolades, whosits & whatsits…

Well, let me tell you a little bit about me first…

I show up for you. I give everything to my clients because I’m here to help us all win.

I write from the heart…for the heart.

I know you want to know what that means for your revenue goals. though, after all…there’s still business to be carried out.

What I can tell you is what I’ve done for past clients.

But you need to know that the clients I achieved these results for are high-caliber, so they had a presence and I was there as support. Now, not to sell myself TOO short, I did write the words.

So their established brands + my words =

£29K in 1 week £37K in 6 days £127K in 4 months $500K+ sales page £30K in 6 days

$29K in a week $45K in a month £54K+ launch $35K+ in sales on multiple 6-day short-launches

These are just the recent most notable ones that I’ve pared the list down to so you can at least understand that I know copy. And I have the skills to help small businesses improve.

Plus, I’ve been doing this work since 2011 and have had the honor of training with some of the best in the business.

Direct Action. Support.
Mutual Aid.


Here are working links where you can find Direct Action, Causes, & Mutual Aid that need support